Better humans. 
Not less technology.

Garry Kasparov on the evolving world of AI

How to use

Make artificial intelligence work for you

Issue 7

January 2019

How to use


To navigate through the magazine use the on-screen page arrows or the right and left arrow keys on your keyboard. Use your mouse wheel or the scrollbars to read through each article.

On the bottom right of the page there are three menu buttons: home, contents and full screen. To return to this cover page you can either use the home or contents buttons, or click on the Verdict AI logo at the top of each article.

Tablet and mobile

To navigate through the magazine, simply swipe right and left, or tap on the page arrows. To read an article, swipe up.

On tablets there are two menu buttons on the bottom right: home and contents. On mobile devices there is only contents.

To get back to the cover, either click home or the Verdict AI logo located at the top of each article. 

Go to article: Home | Better humans, not less technology: Garry Kasparov on AIGo to article: From the editorGo to article: ContentsGo to article: The Briefing on Artificial IntelligenceGo to article: TECHWAN SAGo to article: Techwan Company InsightGo to article: Garry Kasparov: We need “better humans” not “less technology”Go to article: Artificial Intelligence in 2019: 26 Predictions for Business OperationsGo to article: OricaGo to article: The Biggest Trends in AI Right NowGo to article: AI and the Call of the W.E.I.R.D.: Rebuilding Businesses for the Automation AgeGo to article: Accurate BiometricsGo to article: AI, Ethics and the Social Enterprises of the FutureGo to article: Artificial Intelligence in 2019: 16 Predictions for AI DevelopmentGo to article: Take Your Relationship with AI to the Next LevelGo to article: AI Jobs in 2019: The State of the IndustryGo to article: From the Influencers: Key AI QuotesGo to article: Human + Machine: The Future of Digital HealthcareGo to article: Artificial Intelligence in 2019: 15 Predictions for the Social Impact of AIGo to article: UK Retail is Storming Ahead on AIGo to article: Know the Risks: The Ethical Concerns of Artificial IntelligenceGo to article: Brexit Impacts UK AI LeadershipGo to article: The AI Startup Report: January 2019Go to article: Artificial intelligence events for 2019Go to article: Next issue